Step 2: Verification of Your Ownership of .HipHop Domain Name
The second step is to verify that you own the .HipHop domain name you are trying to link to your wallet. If you do not have a .HipHop domain name, you can register a .HipHop domain name at one of the .HipHop accredited registrars, the list of which can be found at https://get.HipHop. Please note that if you are just now registering your .HipHop domain name, it can take anywhere between 15 minutes and a few hours for the domain name registration to propagate and be recognized by the .HipHop Bridging Tool.
Once you have your .HipHop domain name, you proceed to the "verification" step of the process. This is accomplished by inserting a text record (also called "TXT" record) into the DNS of your domain name at your domain name registrar (or at your DNS provider if you have outsourced DNS to another source).
To insert a TXT record for your domain name, you will need to access your domain name registrar or DNS provider's control panel. Once you are logged in, navigate to the DNS management section. Look for the option to add a new record and select TXT from the record type dropdown menu. The next step can look different at different registrars. I will explore some common ones below, but in each case the same information is required.
GoDaddy Registrar
- Type: Select TXT from the drop down menu.
- Name: Enter the text "_ENS" (without the quotes)
- Value: Enter your wallet number which usually starts with 0x and is followed by a string of numbers and letters. An example (which I made up) is 0x42dA294B776e600dC23aA4745FF8e9Fa35R7A995.
- Leave TTL as is.
- Hit Save and wait for the changes to propagate.
Porkbun Registrar
- The type of record: Select TXT from the dropdown menu
- In the "Host" field: Enter the text "_ENS" (without the quotes)
- In the "Answer" field: Enter your wallet number which usually starts with 0x and is followed by a string of numbers and letters. An example (which I made up) is 0x42dA294B776e600dC23aA4745FF8e9Fa35R7A995.
- All of the other fields can remain as is.
- Hit the "Add" button.


Step 2.5: Waiting
It may be worth coming back to http://getweb3.HipHop in a couple of hours. Grab some coffee or a drink because it could take a while. This is just the nature of how domain names work and has nothing to do with the .HipHop Bridge Tool.